Our Mission: Take up the challenges set forth by Pope Francis in Laudato sì to “answer the cry of the poor and the cry of the earth”—through bold, co-created and measurable impact.

INSPIRED BY HIS HOLINESS POPE FRANCIS’S 2015 encyclical letter, Laudato sì: On Care for Our Common Home, The Laudato sì Challenge Foundation supports proven and scalable solutions to the global challenges set forth by Pope Francis in Laudato sì. We strive to implement concrete solutions to care for our common home and to empower vulnerable people to change their orbit by being the protagonist in their own solution, supporting the vision of the Sustainable Development Goals of “being a human dignity narrative that leaves no one behind.” 

To put the principles of Laudato sì into action, The Laudato sì Challenge builds bridges between courageous leaders, unlikely allies from the “four legs of the stool”—the public, private, faith and academic sectors—in a spirit of solidarity and humility to advance and accelerate new, specific, measurable and time-boundCommitments to Impact.” We seek to combine the rigor of venture capital and venture philanthropy with the alignment of the commitment model—to drive measurable, sustainable and enduring impact to move humanity forward.


“Peace builds bridges, whereas hatred is the builder of walls. You must decide, in life: either I will make bridges or I will make walls. Always make bridges.”

—His Holiness Pope Francis



What We Believe

We believe we are one global human family.

We believe Laudato sì provides a clear, compelling, and unifying roadmap to move humanity forward.

We believe that we inhabit one common home—and that all people of all faiths ought to come together to care for it.

We believe in taking bold, coordinated and measurable action to care for our common home and to empower the most vulnerable members of our common household to be the “protagonist in their own solution.”

We believe we must harness capitalism and innovation to make meaningful progress on humanity’s grandest challenges. We foster globally-transformative, wealth-producing initiatives, where purpose and profit work in harmony.

We believe that we can make meaningful and enduring change only through authentic alignment where everyone wins—where the private sector drives economic outcomes, the faith sector drives impact outcomes, and the public sector drives public wins.


Our Commitments

To drive our mission of putting Laudato sì into action, we have secured 25 new, specific, measurable and time-bound Commitments to Impact. Several of these commitments are leveraging new resources through cross-sector partnerships, with commitment-makers combining efforts to expand their impact. The Laudato Si’ Challenge Foundation has also directly invested into several of these commitments.

We strive to align private sector business objectives with public sector and civil sector impact outcomes, so that we may effectively care for our common home and empower vulnerable people in sustainable and scalable ways, that benefit all stakeholders.


Improve livelihood and resilience to climate change of over 50M low income people in the next 10 years, through investing in workforce development and small holder farmers.

falkon ventures

Harnessing transformative venture capital—as a leader in the “new era of capitalism”—to invest in 30 companies that will empower 100,000 forcibly-displaced people by 2025.


Commit to the successful planting of one billion trees along the Great Green Wall of Africa, generating sustainable livelihoods for the millions of inhabitants of the Sahel by 2025.


Improve access to digital financial services for 100 million people across Africa and Latin America by 2030, including one million people in Senegal, especially women and SMEs.


Our Impact

Over the years, we have upgraded our model to generate more impact. Our model is driven by new, specific, measurable and time-bound Commitments to Impact. By facilitating new partnerships and allocating foundation resources, we can have a compounding effect on those Commitments so that they will have a deeper, broader and more sustainable impact on our common home and the lives of vulnerable people around the world.




The Laudato sì Challenge Foundation is now in its eighth year.




We have secured—and are working to advance—30 new, specific, measurable and time-bound Commitments to Impact.



lives WE aim TO IMPACT

When fulfilled, our aim is to have all of our Commitments to Impact improve the lives of up to 10 million people by 2030.


